Make a Tax-deductible Donation
Vets Serving Vets has no overhead and is 100% volunteer-run and operated by local veterans. We are powered by you. Donors like you make it possible to foster a community space that both supports our local veterans and welcomes everyone. Through this ongoing project, we hope to bring our community closer together. Will you help us get there?
Landscaping projects and equipment needs
Pond Excavation
Gravel Driveway
Lighting for Freedom Parkway
Gravel for parking lot and Freedom Parkway
Community Projects
Vietnam wall monument made of field stones: we are collecting 59,000 stones — one for every soldier killed
Two flagpoles
Moving the Octagon Building to the park — this historic 1908 building will serve as our indoor pavilion
Want to get involved? Connect with us on Facebook.
“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.”